And climb the stairs to the beach...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Morning Folks May 1, 2006 Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Every year, back comes Spring, with nasty little birds yapping their fool heads off and the ground all mucked up with plants.- Dorothy Parker

The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.- Edwin Way Teale

It was the month of May, the month when the foliage of herbs and trees is most freshly green, when buds ripened and blossoms appear in their fragrance and loveliness.

And the month when lovers, subject to the same force which reawakens the plants, feel their hearts open again, recall past trysts and past vows, and moments of tenderness, and yearn for a renewal of the magical awareness which is love.- Sir Thomas Malory, La Morte d'Arthur

'But I must gather knots of flowers,
And buds and garlands gay,
For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother,
I'm to be Queen o' the May.'- Alfred Lord Tennyson

What is so sweet and dear
As a prosperous morn in May,
The confident prime of the day,
And the dauntless youth of the year,
When nothing that asks for bliss,
Asking aright, is denied,
And half of the world a bridegroom is,
And half of the world a bride?-
William Watson, Ode in May, 1880

Happy May!

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!



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