And climb the stairs to the beach...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Morning Folks

No thoughts in my head today, except "when should I head to the beach?"
The air is cooler than yesterday. Nice, yet I cherish the sun
And that warmth on the palm of my hand when I touch my hair
After sitting a while
Staring out at the sea.
Shall I bring a book or just me?

The decision is made and I choose to go now and so I head to the beach.
The air is cooler on the path through scrub pine. Sand under foot
Foreshadows what lies ahead. Up worn wooden steps

Through low-lying dunes,

And suddenly there is the sea.
Each time it surprises me.

No weight on my shoulders in this moment of peace. I head down the beach,

The only weight I bear is my beach bag and pink folding chair. Cares, left behind
Like the book I know I won't read, though I've carried it here before.
Meaningless words on the page
Disappear when I am lost at sea.
Strange, for a lover of words like me.

I look for the spot that I've chosen before. It's not far. As I head 'cross the beach
Warm sand, at first, loose, slows every step as it collapses around my foot,
As if to challenge my going there. And, just as I tire of it's teasing game,
It changes to a firm, cool way
Where sand meets sea.
It's there that it's leading me.

I settle down comfortably into my chair, now solidly set in the sand. Down the beach
Suspended in air on the wind, a gull floats above, then he's gone.

His flight interrupted by something I missed that he saw, or he felt
In his bones or his heart,
Here in His world, by His sea.

And I thank Him for sharing with me.

Staring out at the sea, sun warm on my face, there's nothing else but this beach
In this world. All worries, like graceful, dark seaweed, float there unnoticed

When the tide is in and deep, tangled and tauntingly reappearing later.

It's a comfort to know there's an ebb
And a flow to the sea.
And there is no better place to be.


Having a wonderful time.
Wish you were here!

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