The Cape is just exploding with Hydrangeas this summer. I took my camera with me to Dennisport and Yarmouth this past Sunday. I wish you could all see them in person, but here are a few pictures of some I found particularly pretty. Click on the pictures and you may be able to enlarge them.
These lace cap hydrangeas are in Joanna's yard.
They are both just so pretty.
The blues are so bright this year.
A multi-colored display in Kathy's yard.
Depot Street in Dennisport is just gorgeous.
The name Hydrangea, means “water vessel,” given for its cup-shaped seed vessels.
I especially like the way people plant them near fences.
In flower folklore, Hydrangea means “thank you for understanding.”
Lacecaps and Mopheads, PeeGees and Oakleaf are some of the categories of hydrangea. Bury some iron nails near the roots to get blue ones and bricks to get pink ones, or at least that is what they used to say. Now I guess they have bottles of chemicals to add to make them change colors. Some day I am going to grow these in my yard. Until then, I will enjoy everyone else's.
Have a Fabulous Day.
Love Suz
They are very nice! I hope they are still in bloom in a few weeks!