And climb the stairs to the beach...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Morning Folks 04/04/06

I love numbers! Of course I would have to, being in the business I am in and all.

And ever since I was a kid I memorized license plates and liked to find patterns, etc.

I notice numbers on houses, numbers on signs and always see significance in dates and coincidences that happen everyday.

And, every number has a different personality to me.

Like 5. Doesn't that conjure up a different feeling than say, 8?

You probably think I am crazy now. Not really. Just a little out there, I guess.

And in high school I used to say that I was dumb and stupid in math. I know now that I wasn't really dumb and stupid in math, just a little bit less than confident.

I think I thought it was much more romantic to be interested in letters back then. I'm still not sure which is more interesting.

I have a close friend who edits math books. Now that is NOT an interesting thing to me. But he LOVES it.

I bet there are those of you who wouldn't find what I do interesting, either.

But, there is one thing about math that I really love and that is that it is exact. It is either right or wrong.

Not much else in our lives is like that.

Even though I work with numbers all day long, I find myself taken up in the Sudoku craze and find it relaxing to do the daily AARP Sudoku puzzle on their website.

I realize I am admitting something here, going to the AARP website. Of course I became a member after I reached that magic number we all once thought was ancient.

They also have great other puzzles I do every day if I can get to it. Jumble, Wordsearch, Vocabulary Building, etc. Mostly word puzzles, but this math one is fun!


Anyway, the real inspiration for today's message came from an e-mail I got from a friend this morning:

Tomorrow, Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.That won't happen again in this century.

Isn't that fascinating? Well, whatever floats your boat, right?

Well, today, like always, I will be sure to make time to work on one fun math problem. And that is counting my blessings! And you are all included in that equation!

Have a great day.


  1. Dont forget, click on some of these pictures for a closer view. The License plates are kind of interesting, at least I think they are! Love, Suz

  2. Marianne caught a mistake in the 1:02:03 04/05/06 thing. IT will actually happen twice in the same century because it will happen twice in the same day! Good catch MArianne! (She's an accountant, too)


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