Saturday night before we left, Kitty and Rick invited us into their home for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, knowing we wouldn't be in the area for the holidays. We also celebrated birthdays for the 4 folks who are turning 55 this year. Guess who that included! Although we were told not to bring gifts, I did bring enough of my previously used ice scrapers to go around. After all, I won't be needing them!
As we visited and waited for the others to arrive, Melinda, Kitty, Ed and George chatted with Sam, who lounged casually on the couch. George is either yawning or reacting to something Kitty said about the White House. (If you click on the pix, they should enlarge a bit.)

Frank and Linda arrived, and so did the wine. Just outside of the frame of the picture, Frank shows Rick his fancy corkscrew.

Lots of laughs and good conversation.

George and Melinda coordinated their outfits, I think.

Elizabeth and Ed have a moment.

Pumpkin soup, courtesy of Linda is the first course.

Pass the gravy, please.

In addition to Linder's soup, Melinda provided the appetizers, Elizabeth the dessert, and Kitty and Rick everything else. We brought the rolls, but just like every Thanksgiving dinner, we forgot all about them! After dinner conversation only briefly turned to politics. I was grateful for that. This was pre-elections. Believe me, it would have been a very difficult conversation if it was post elections! At least for two of us. George and I always appreciate the great restraint these Democrats show at these gatherings.
Frank and Linda from behind empty wine bottles. I think that is a fitting angle for our wine experts!

While we chatted around the dinner table, Sam enjoys a beer in the living room.

I am so glad we wer able to get together that last Saturday we had in town. Although we missed the Wortmans, the other couple who usually joins us at these gatherings. They have such a tough time getting off the Vineyard. Maybe next time everyone can come to our trailer on the Cape! If y'all get together again before we get back for a visit, make sure someone takes some pictures for me. And when we get settled in TN, maybe we will host a gathering there! Hope everyone likes biscuits and gravy!
It was a lovely night as it always is. I will miss these regular gatherings, but it will only make those reunions we have in the future more special.
A few days later, I had the sad task of saying goodbye to my kids and Becky. We had a wonderful dinner at the Naked Fish in Waltham and it was special to have them with us on our last night in town.
All three of them had been so helpful with the move and I don't know how I would have done it without them. Thanks you guys.
She isn't really one of my kids, but there have been times when Becky seemed that way to me. I hope she and the boys see a lot of each other now that I am so far away.

My two handsome boys, Doug and Bill.

They promised me they would take care of each other for me.

I am so lucky to have these precious friends and family in my life as well as others not pictured here. I am really blessed and being apart from them only makes that fact clearer to me. Whether or not we are miles apart, you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Love to you all. Keep in touch always!
Have a great day.