And climb the stairs to the beach...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Morning Folks 08 31 05

"Each blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow'" The Talmud

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight to the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin

Something I learned, perhaps too late in my life for my own good, is that I had to take risks in order to blossom. I played it very safe for a long time. It paid off for a while, and I felt secure and safe. But I didn't really accomplish much. However, when I chose to take a risk, even a small one, it made all the difference.

Looking back everything that I am proud of having accomplished required a risk of some sort. And everything that makes me happy in my life right now started out with making a choice to make a change.

"All change is psychological loss." someone once said. And I would add that all change involves risk. Yet, without change, without risk, we don't grow. Without someone whispering to us "grow" we get too comfortable in our 'spots' and we just 'go' through life instead of soaring through it. And yet, even though I am very much aware of that fact, I have to relearn it every time.

A friend of mine just registered with That is a big risk for her, to be sure. And she'd be okay if she had never made that choice. But I know she will find her life so much fuller and she will be happy. I am so proud of her and I can't wait to hear all about the wonderful times she is going to have just because she took that risk. She is going to soar.

Another friend is wrestling with leaving her marriage to escape an alcoholic spouse. Although to some it might sound like staying in the marriage is the risk, it doesn't feel that way to her. Leaving will mean risking financial security for her and her children. It will mean moving and finding new emotional support. But if she chooses to risk it all, I know it will pay off and what she loses in financial security she will gain in peace of mind. I know.

It isn't easy to choose to risk a little or risk it all. But the Universe works with us not against us. Be it the Universe, an Angel whispering over us or God, your Higher Power is with you when you make the choice to "Grow, grow."

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


PS. Dont forget Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit on Sept. 1. A little good luck never hurts, either!

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